FSO PRO Security Compliance Solutions

The Bliss of DISS—Part 2!

The Bliss of DISS—Part 2!

The Bliss of DISS—Part 2!

It is time to start using DISS, & FSO PRO is here to help!

Maybe you don’t attend as many SVAs or Continuous Monitoring meetings as we do, but DCSA is still making it pretty clear, they want FSOs to start migrating to DISS more and more.

They have already removed the RRU feature from JPAS on May 30, replaced by CSRs in DISS which puts us in Phase 2 (not COVID phases— DISS phases—see chart):

“I have my DISS Account—now what?”

Last month, we went over the steps for getting your DISS account! Now it is time to put that account into practice. It is like with anything, planning is great, but there comes a time when action is required!


Over the next two newsletters, we will pro- vide TESTED steps for the current common DISS Tasks which include:

  1. Adding a Backup User
  2. Adding a subject to the Organization
  3. Submitting an SF312
  4. Creating a Customer Service Request


FIRST: Adding a Back-up User:

You are in DISS—yay! Now, let’s set up your back-up Users/AFSOs or any other DISS support you will need:

Now, the more challenging part is choosing the ROLE to give your back–up support:
Under ROLES under Available, select the subject’s role (multiple if necessary) in your Organization and click the arrow to transfer that into the subject’s Assigned roles.

Role Option #1—Security Officer

Role Option #2—Account Manager

Role Option #3—Hierarchy Manager

More to follow! We are working on those cheat-sheets, or “smart cards”, or “quick references” now—available on the FSO PRO website soon!

Happy Independence Day!!

Need more explanation or assistance with any items mentioned this month?
Contact FSO PRO!

FSO PRO thanks all the FSOs out there for everything you do to keep the warfighter safe. Even the smallest task is designed to keep our nation’s information out of the hands of those who would do harm. We, as FSOs, are doing our part to stay vigilant and determined to protect those who protect us, even in our own small way.

That is why we say how awesome you are. And thank you.

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