FSO PRO Security Compliance Solutions

Spring Into Action!!

Spring Into Action!!

This is a superhuman feat. Please note this is not the NISPOM that he is ripping in half. No one is that strong.


One of the superhuman feats that an FSO Superhero must do is balance the regulations of the NISPOM with the needs of the organization while keeping the government customer happy! Good times …

This is always most easily seen when it comes to the DD254.

Back in November 2017, (we have been through five or six seasons since then!) the Defense Security Service provided Industry with a new version of the DD254 and a 90-day grace period for implementation. That grace period is over and all FSOs should be using, and encouraging their government customer to use, the newest version. The best way to do that is for the FSO to help the government customer and the organization update the documents.

Step 1: Make sure you have the new version –
ask this guy!
Step 2: Make sure you have the instructions
that may help you help your customers and
your subcontractors. Again – ask this guy if
you don’t!
Step 3: Retype the DD254s and send them to
your government customer for signature or
make sure you do this with any DD254 that
was issued as of 1 Feb 2018.
Hopefully, you have a sidekick like FSO PRO
who can help you with this because it saves a
lot of time.
“What if my government customer
won’t sign the new DD254 or tells us they will only use the previous version with their logo on
it?” (Ed note: This was a real response.)
Step 4: Keep both copies for your government audits and make note of the government’s response. FSOs need to
show their compliance with NISPOM 4 – 103a and 4-104!
□ Review and begin modifying
those DD254s.
□ You can also check with Executive
Management for
board meeting minutes if
you are a corporation with
quarterly meetings.
□ Audit/Clean your personnel
□ Run a Ghost/Leech/Orphan
report in JPAS and separate
any names that pop up!
□ Update your training information.
□ Log into JPAS and any other
timed data base so you
don’t get locked out.
□ Remove any personnel who
should not be in JPAS by out
-processing or contract ending.
□ Begin any new hire clearance
actions 30 days out if
□ Administer any scheduled
annual training: Annual
Refresher, Insider Threat,
□ Calendar a CDSE Training or
STEPP Training – at least
once a month!
□ Take those vitamins like
Mama says!

Spring Cleaning!

We’re still in the montage! (10 points to Ravenclaw if you get that Reference)

Now is a great time for a trip to Cabo some of the traditional cleaning activities – purging, tossing, organizing – for your FSO files. Here are a few ideas to help you keep what is necessary and protect what is valuable.

Audit personnel files.

Training Records

You know when you send out the Annual Refresher or the Insider Threat training and everyone responds immediately and gets it done? … Yeah, we don’t either.

The problem is, after a few “courtesy reminders” it is easy to move on with life and forget that there a few slackers training acknowledgements that are still due.

Training acknowledgements are very important so now is a good time to find out if anyone is still pending and bring down the hammer follow up to get it done.

A LOT of organizations do their annual performance reviews in the Spring. If you are having trouble getting employees to complete the government-required training promptly, you can use this as a recourse action to make it more important to the employee. Or, better yet (because who likes to be the bad guy?) give kudos to quick responders for a nice bump to their performance reviews.


Shred those files! But don’t be the guy who pretends the shredder bin isn’t completely full. Don’t be that guy.

NISPOM prohibits the keeping of SF86s of clearance candidates after they have received the final adjudication. While you are auditing the personnel files, make sure you delete or shred any SF86s. Note: it is a nice thing to check with the candidate first to ask if they would like a copy. This helps them with future questionnaires and confirms to them that you are getting rid of their very personal information.

Report gaps

This is a good time to check in with your “Insider Threat” working group: IT, Finance & HR to see if there are any indicators for Insider Threats. Are you noticing that you are low on foreign travel debriefings or other essential self-reporting? Maybe it is time to plan a reminder for personnel.

Experts tell us to pick the top three from that list and focus on those immediately until they are completed. Okay, the “Expert” here is my Mom, but she is pretty right most of the time. She also recommends daily vitamins.

Old records

Do you need to keep training records/spreadsheets from 2003? DSS typically looks at records from SVA (Inspection) to SVA. If you have all your information electronically, move it to an archive folder or delete it. If you have hard copies, a shredder works fine.

Ghost Report, Orphan Report, Leech Report

This is all the same report but the name changes depending on your DSS Field office.

Basically, it is the report you run to ensure no one is still attached to your JPAS who is no longer in your PSMNet. You can obtain the steps to running that report from this guy!

This is my master list

Master List

Finally, list everything you need to do regarding your security program and start prioritizing items before the year gets away from you.

Experts tell us to pick the top three from that list and focus on those immediately until they are completed. Okay, the “Expert” here is my Mom, but she is pretty right most of the time. She also recommends daily vitamins.

Extra Credit: If you are on a roll – you can review this short video on how to clean up a “data spill”. It lasts about five minutes and is VALUABLE information on clean-up!

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