FSO PRO Security Compliance Solutions

FSO Tools You Can Use During the Quarantine

FSO Tools You Can Use During the Quarantine

Who would have thought that I would be watching a YouTube video about how to NOT look like a troll during Zoom Meetings? Not me, but here we are! (By the way, natural light is the way to go for streaming video meetings. Since my office has no windows – troll, it is!)

The last several weeks have made us ALL have to pivot a bit! Kudos to us for be- ing able to hang in there and read all those emails from our CISAs and CDSE surveys that have been coming into our in-boxes!

As I type today, there is no real forecast for the resuming of “normal operations” so here are the things we have found that work best.

e-QIP Reset Inquiries Change

Effective April 20, 2020, all Industry e-QIP resets will be handled by the DCSA Applicant Knowledge Center. Please call 724-738-5090 or email CSAppli- cantSupport@nbib.gov for assistance. For ALL other Personnel Security Clearance Inquiries, please email VROC at dcsa.ncr.dcsa-dvd.mbx.askvroc@mail.mil or submit a customer service request via DISS. Be sure to put your CAGE in the request if you email it.

VROC Questions:

e-QIP Reset Inquiries Change
Effective April 20, 2020, all Industry e-QIP resets will be handled by the DCSA Applicant Knowledge Center. Please call 724-738-5090 or email CSApplicantSupport@nbib.gov for assistance. For ALL other Personnel Security Clearance Inquiries, please email VROC at dcsa.ncr.dcsa- dvd.mbx.askvroc@mail.mil or submit a customer service request via DISS. Be sure to put your CAGE in the request if you email it.

Hopefully by the time you get this, the Knowledge Center will be open again. If not, send your email (don’t forget your CAGE) to dcsa.ncr.dcsa-dvd.mbx.askvroc@mail.mil

CAF Questions:

If your subject’s investigation is already closed but not adjudicated, you can reach out to whs.meade.dodcaf.mbx.dodcaf-callcenter@mail.mil.

JPAS or DISS Issues:


NISS Support:


What do I do about fingerprints, proof of identity, or CAC Badges?

Ask this guy for the official guidance documents for all of that!

Facility Sponsor Questions:


More about DISS:

Beginning May 4, 2020, DMDC will con- duct automated provisioning of the DISS JVS accounts for the Industry SMOs. This is one of the major steps in fully deploying DISS within the DoD as the JPAS replacement. Eligible recipients will receive two email notifications: (1) user provisioning instructions; (2) credentials to access the DISS JVS application. For those who wish to manually request a DISS account, please follow the PSSAR Industry instructions on the DMDC website or contact the Industry Provisioning Team at DCSA.dcsanorthern.dcsa-dvd.mbx.provisioning@mail.mil.

What Should Industry be Using DISS for Currently?

When Should I Get a DISS Account?


For those of you who find the constant changes overwhelming, fear not! The FSO PRO team, the FSO “Superhero Members” and the FSO Success newsletter are here to provide you with support, templates, checklists, tools, and strategies for marketing all of this to your organization!
Together, we FSO Superheroes will move one another successfully into the changes ahead!

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Need more explanation or assistance with any items mentioned this month?
Contact FSO PRO!

FSO PRO thanks all the FSOs out there for everything you do to keep the warfighter safe. Even the smallest task is designed to keep our nation’s information out of the hands of those who would do harm. We, as FSOs, are doing our part to stay vigilant and determined to protect those who protect us, even in our own small way.

That is why we say how awesome you are. And thank you.

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