FSO PRO Security Compliance Solutions

A Security Program that is JUST right!

A Security Program that is JUST right!

FSO Success

What great FSO’s read!

I guess they are not so secret, now…

A Security Program that is JUST right!

So, what is the “skinny” (or what is “the Tea” if you employ the Urban Dictionary in
your daily life… we don’t) for security reviews (aka Inspections)? As you may realize, FSO PRO personnel attend 2-5 various reviews a month! At each review we learn: 1) More of what DCSA is doing.
2) More of what type of reviews (aka inspections) that FSOs can expect.
3) What DSCA is expecting of FSOs, the “Volun-told” tasks, if you will.
4) Then we share that knowledge with YOU, gentle reader! Last year, the hot scoop was all about identifying the “critical assets” of your companies. For those of you who haven’t worked on that yet, here is a key question to help you narrow that down! “WHAT does your organization have/do/know/make that – if obtained by an enemy of the United States – would cause our nation harm?”

November 2019

What should FSO’s be doing this month?

  • Get all the resources from FSO PRO for the new systems!
  • Register or Login with DISS.
  • Ask FSO PRO your DISS questions!
  • Make sure you have done a “Self-Inspection” and up- loaded it to NISS be- fore the end of the year.
  • Make sure you have no missing person- nel training acknowledgements for the end of the year.
  • Work with FSO PRO for a “Report Card” to show your boss before Holiday Bonus time!
  • Be Thankful!
If you have a good understanding of that, you are ahead of the game! Great job, Bob! Once these critical assets are identified, the next step in this FSO-parade-of-new-changes we have all been enjoying in 2019, is the creation of a “TAILORED” Security Practice and Procedures (TSP) for your organization.

120 Days to pull this together!

Remember when DCSA, formerly known as DSS (I can’t tell you how many times I have to type their name that way), gave us a looooong time to assemble our Insider Threat plans? Like, 2 years? Well, they must have realized that the majority waited until the deadline was upon us (I’m looking at you, Bob! Just kidding, I did it too.) because they are giving us 120 days AFTER the Industrial Security Letter – aka ISL/addendums to the NISPOM – comes out to establish your “Tailored Security Plan” (TSP).

120 Days? That’s 2,856 more hours than I need.

I see your 120 days and raise you… right NOW!

  • Seriously, why wait until then? DSCA has already given FSOS a great Standard Practices and Procedures Template to use (ask Kenneth for a copy if you don’t have it). Just take that SPP and start plugging in your:
  • Access policies (buildings, offices, specific areas in your building, etc.)
  • Candidate screenings and random spot checks
  • Restricted access to shared drives
  • Foreign Travel Tracking
  • Badge Control for on/off boarding
  • Visitor Policies (for outgoing and incoming visitors)
  • Annual Self-Reporting
  • Physical security in depth
  • Courier procedures … and anything that applies to your organization!
ANY measures that your organization currently employs to protect what you have/know/store/make and do should go into the plan. DCSA will appreciate it and you will benefit greatly from the collaboration with other members of your organization as you work to protect the assets BEFORE you are required by government regulation to do so

Behold, the future of FSO work… and possibly step 9 of my secret plan.

At future reviews, FSOs can expect that:
  • DCSA will establish recurring re- views of TSPs by DCSA and Industry
  • DCSA will provide Industry recommendations based on changing threat environments
  • DCSA will ensure security controls documented in the TSP are effective

We wish you a Merry DISS-mas!

We would not call ourselves experts in DISS just yet, but we do get more practice than the average FS-Joe (see what we did there?). If you have a question for a specific task or action in DISS, let us know and we will work to get you the step-by-step (minus the screenshots since that is not allowed) in our DISS-ember Issue (see what we did there??) Let us know! And by “us”, we mean Kenneth!

Santa is always prepared… are you?

                • Reminders

                • Tools

                • Free Monthly Templates

                • Free “MarketFlix” videos for your Team

                • Planners and To-Do Lists

                • Text Alerts

                • Free Admission to FSO Contests

                • Free “ask a question”

And more!

Need more explanation or assistance with any items mentioned this month? Contact FSO PRO!

Looking for FSO Gifts? Check out the FSO PRO Shop!
* SVA Binders!
* Coffee Mugs!
* Membership Clubs!
* Training Videos!
* One Hour FSO Support!
* SVA Prep!

FSO PRO thanks all the FSOs out there for everything you do to keep the warfighter safe. Even the smallest task is designed to keep our nation’s information out of the hands of those who would do harm. We, as FSOs, are doing our part to stay vigilant and determined to protect those who protect us, even in our own small way.

That is why we say how awesome you are. And thank you.

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